Heal Your Body Naturally
Rahanni - Of One Heart
The gift of healing rests within everyone, it is not a gift given only to a few, everyone can receive healing and everyone can learn to heal.
At Rahanni Celestial Healing we offer an alternative approach to healing the mind, body and spirit. Please enjoy my website and feel free to contact me!
Meaning - of one heart
What is Rahanni
Rahanni Celestial Healing is a 5th dimensional healing modality that works on a higher vibration, therefore cutting down the healing time. Carol Anne Stacey was presented with Rahanni Celestial Healing, this was a gift from Source/God to share with humanity. Rahanni is now the 'new' healing modality for this Golden Age of Aquarius. This form of energy healing was first introduced in Europe. Rahanni Celestial Healing is now available in over 24 countries, touching the hearts of everyone searching for that missing link in their life. As of September 3, 2017 the Rahanni symbols have been granted Light language status, a very great honor! This is the highest level of healing energy known to earth at this time.
This new energy is now coming to the United States. Helping with a change in our consciousness. Moving us forward in our spiritual growth by releasing negativity and the old ways of thinking. Bringing about inner peace, positive thought and compassion. Many people experience pain and suffering daily and are searching for a better quality of life. You can find it now with the Healing Light of Rahanni.